Monday, August 30, 2010


It's 21:30 and the sun is just going down casting a golden glow on former mansions on the prospekt.A late inline skater braves the traffic home.Perhaps he thinks he is in new York.

As ever the city will hum all night as did those in the east-the winters are so hard and long that they really revel in this extended light and any sunshine is a bonus.
Now for a last promenade down this amazing boulevard and see if I can get a few shots of this seductive tide of womanhood and buy my landlady a replacement bag for the one that gypsies slashed open at a local market a few weeks ago as thanks for looking after my surplus belongings whilst I have been in the East.

I arrived here 6 weeks ago full of apprehension and feeling very alone and now it seems like coming home and this is certainly a fabulous delight of a city after those drab Siberian towns. Now would really be a good time to really start action learning Russian-but then I appreciate so much more my native language and culture after this great experience and look forward to being home and free.

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